Gender question and the first kicks…

Yeah, 19 weeks now. Tomorrow we’ll have another ultrasound and hope to find out about the baby’s gender. I can’t wait. I can’t wait to see it move, to know everything is okay. Maybe it will wave again. I can’t wait to meet this little creature. I can feel it when I’m sitting sometimes, like there’s a foot in my groin or something. Then I’m scared to move. Even when I’m lying on my back, sometimes I have problems turning around, it doesn’t really hurt, but it’s uncomfortable.

I think I can clearly feel the baby kicking sometimes. The previous movements I noticed and described as kicking, seem more likeย the feeling you get when you suffer from gas, looking back. As I’m writing this, the little one is busy practising soccer or karate in my belly. I’m not quite sure. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I’ll definitely update this blog tomorrow. And hopefully the blog color will change. ๐Ÿ™‚ Be there!



Hey girls,

did you notice contractions in your ‘early’ pregnancy? I have them since week 16. Does it hurt? No, but it feels strange. Your belly gets all hard and stays like that for a while. It’s like poking a chubby person and a couple of seconds later someone who has a six pack. It feels like a strong pressure on your bladder. But the funny thing is, when lying on your back, you feel exactly where the baby lies and you might even feel it kicking.

I also have stitches on the right side very often. I think I should let the doc check what it is. And maybe I finally get to know if it’s a boy or a girl. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll definitely let you know!


From Aaron to Zytka

It’s not easy girls (and boys).

What name should I give to my child? What name is my child going to wear for the rest of his/her life?
I started to look for names since I know I’m pregnant and it’s really hard. Since I don’t know if it’s going to be a boy or a girl, I browsed like a million websites for baby names (and had a real good laugh). Some names are just flat out stupid, I can tell you.

In the end, out of millions of names, I selected 13 names for boys and 34 names for girls. 47 out of millions!!!

I had a lot of requirements for my names. Some of them are:

  • Not very exotic;
  • Not too long;
  • Something classic, nothing that’s ‘in’ right now;
  • Not hard to spell (I have a problem with this because my name has a million different variations and when I don’t spell it, people write it the wrong way);
  • Nothing to get bullied for;
  • Nothing too American (with a typical ‘whatever country’ last name);
  • Nothing that’s hard to pronounce for people who speak other languages, since my child will be in constant contact with three different languages;
  • Something that fits for a child and an adult;
  • Not a name that’s already in my family or circle of friends.

Without telling too much, one name on my list is ‘Anna’. I think the name matches every single requirement. It’s used in almost every language, everybody knows how to pronounce and how to write it, it’s classic, short, it’s Anna, BOOM! No, I don’t want to name my child ‘Anna’, but I still like the name. I have to discuss this with my boyfriend, since my favourite name is the name of his most recent ex girlfriend. I don’t know if he’d be too happy to name his daughter ‘after her’.

Well, tell me about your thoughts.


What not to do when you’re pregnant #1

Hey, I thought about making a list of things I did but can’t really recommend while you’re pregnant.

Don’t go to a festival of multiple days. I went to a 9-day festival right in the beginning of my pregnancy. It was no fun at all. First off: I couldn’t drink and everyone around me was drunk during those 9 days. At all times. That was the first thing that wasn’t really nice. The second thing was camping. During your pregnancy you’ll feel a lot more exhausted than usually and you just don’t get the same amount and quality of sleep you would get in a real bed. So if you have to go to a festival, take care of a hotel with a comfortable bed. You also will feel like you have to use the restroom more often than usually and it’s not so nice to visit a portable toilet like every 30 minutes. The showers are filthy too and you can’t change the temperature. Another reason to pick a hotel. The food isn’t very good either, not very healthy anyways. Fat bombs. Start to avoid food like that. You also won’t feel the urge to join the crowd, because you want to be careful and make sure nothing happens to the little one inside you.

Don’t visit amusement parks. I gave my boyfriend tickets for his birthday before we even know we were expecting. So we went there when I was four months pregnant. I couldn’t basically join 90 % of the rides, not even the kiddy coasters or walk-through-rides (haunted house). I don’t exactly know why but I think it’s because of the emotional factor or shock effects that may harm your baby. I went into a couple of rides I wasn’t allowed to go in, like a kiddy coaster and aย log flume, but we really made sure that I couldn’t hurt me or my belly and I don’t really feel like adrenaline flushes when I’m on a ride. I didn’t think it was very secure to go into a coaster with loopings, so I left them out. But I basically ruined it for my boyfriend I guess, because he’s a roller coaster maniac, just like me. The next time we’ll go will be when I’m not pregnant and/or when we have someone to take care of the little one.

There aren’t a lot of other things I can think of right now, but I’ll definitely update this list as soon as I encounter another situation. Please feel free to add your experiences in the comments section. ๐Ÿ™‚


Leaking breasts…

Yes girls, it’s a very sensible subject, but we can’t deny it. It’s going to happen. And it started at 15 weeks here. When I was 15 weeks pregnant, my breasts started to leak. Some translucent stuff came out of my breasts. It’s not really milk, but colostrum. Colostrum is what you feed your baby before your breasts really start to produce milk. It contains everything your baby needs to grow.

When I first noticed it, I immediately called my mom, because it really looked like pus, but she said everything is fine and I should put some absorbent cotton in my bra to avoid embarrassing situations. I told my boyfriend to not squeeze my boobs anymore, he found it funny I guess, he said he wants to try it.

I was shocked in the first moment, but it’s totally normal. It didn’t hurt at all by the way. I was afraid of the pain it would give me, but the pain (or pressure) comes when the real milk comes. ๐Ÿ˜›

Yes girls, be prepared.


The moment of truth…

This is about taking the test.

Seriously, I took the test on a friday morning. I was bored. The baby father was on vacation. I only took the test because I bought it a couple of years ago and got on my period right in the moment I wanted to take it. I took it because it was going to expire soon. I didn’t expect it to come out as positive, I really didn’t, I took the test a couple of days BEFORE I expected my period to come.

My first reaction was me laughing out loud. I went to a drug store immediately to buy a second test. I even googled if a positive test can be negative too. I even went to my gyn to ask about it.

After I took the second test, which turned out as positive too, I went to my work. I took out my phone and sent a whatsapp message to the baby father, who wasn’t my boyfriend by this time. We were seeing each other for almost 1,5 years, but we never made it official. His reaction made me cry. He told me he didn’t want the baby and I have to terminate. So I sat there- crying at work. My boss asked me what happened and I told him. He told me the same thing the baby father told me. From the first moment I knew I was pregnant, I knew I’m going to keep my baby, wether he’s leaving me alone or not.

One day later, I left for vacation with friends. I didn’t tell anyone, even when they asked me why I’m not drinking, I just responded that I just don’t feel like it.

When I came back from vacation 10 days later, I got fired from my job. I just agreed on taking 6 months off from my study to earn money. All bad things that could happen, happened to me. So I had to figure out what to do. I couldn’t talk to the baby father because he had a girl from France over, another ‘friend with benefits’.

I immediately contacted my university to delay my break from school. And let me tell you, everything worked out fine in the end and the baby father isn’t the asshole I thought he is.

Mommies, tell me about the experience you had when taking your pregnancy test.
